What now? What next? Insights into Australia's tertiary education sector

Claire unpacks key reforms which will change VET and higher education in 2022

Claire Field Episode 59

In the final episode for 2021 Claire looks at emerging reforms in international education, VET and higher education and considers what they will mean for providers.

There's a lot to discuss so if you're only interested in international education Claire covers that at the start of this episode. She moves to the domestic VET sector at the 14 minute 20 second mark, and onto domestic higher education at the 35 minute mark. 

The three  reports she mentions are:

  1. Australian Strategy for International Education (2021-2030)
  2. State of Australia's Skills 2021
  3. University-Industry Collaboration in Teaching and Learning Review

The ‘What now? What next?’ podcast recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s traditional custodians. In the spirit of reconciliation we are proud to recommend John Briggs Consulting as a leader in Reconciliation and Indigenous engagement. To find out more go to www.johnbriggs.net.au

Contact Claire:

The ‘What now? What next?’ podcast recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s traditional custodians. In the spirit of reconciliation we are proud to recommend John Briggs Consulting as a leader in Reconciliation and Indigenous engagement. To find out more go to www.johnbriggs.net.au