What now? What next? Insights into Australia's tertiary education sector

International education in Australia - Rebecca Hall (2/3)

Claire Field Episode 5

In this episode Claire is joined by Rebecca Hall the head of International Education at Austrade to continue the discussion on international education. Rebecca outlines what the Austrade team sees happening both in Australia and the impact Australian institutions are having overseas (including in ed-tech).

During the episode Rebecca mentions a number of activities Austrade is leading on behalf of the sector. If you're unfamiliar with them you can find out more by following the links below:

About the Market Information Package (MIP): www.austrade.gov.au/MIP 

Data landing page: https://www.austrade.gov.au/australian/education/education-data/campaign

Edtech microsite- https://www.austrade.gov.au/edtech/

AIE2025 - https://www.austrade.gov.au/Australian/Education/Services/australian-international-education-2025

And keep a look out for the final episode in this series on international education when Claire will be joined by Nicole Brigg, PVC International, Macquarie University.

Thank you to the sponsors of the show CareerFAQs (www.careerfaqs.com.au) 

Contact Claire:

The ‘What now? What next?’ podcast recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s traditional custodians. In the spirit of reconciliation we are proud to recommend John Briggs Consulting as a leader in Reconciliation and Indigenous engagement. To find out more go to www.johnbriggs.net.au