What now? What next? Insights into Australia's tertiary education sector

"The power of education" - an interview with Ukraine's Ambassador, Vasyl Myroshnychenko

September 05, 2023 Claire Field Episode 97

In this episode of the podcast, Claire is joined by Ukraine's Ambassador to Australia, His Excellency, Vasyl Myroshnychenko to discuss the impact of the war, particularly on Ukraine's  students - and what Australia's tertiary education institutions can do to help.

The exhibition the Ambassador discusses is Unissued Diplomas: Ukrainian Student War Victims: https://www.unissueddiplomas.org

And if you want to donate to support Ukraine :

Contact Claire:

The ‘What now? What next?’ podcast recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s traditional custodians. In the spirit of reconciliation we are proud to recommend John Briggs Consulting as a leader in Reconciliation and Indigenous engagement. To find out more go to www.johnbriggs.net.au